Slippery Wen Wett
Slippery Wen Wett intends to splash and slide into Junction, St. Elizabeth and by this time tomorrow, fans will be staggering helplessly like patrons after a drink inclusive party. Trying to understand the sentence? Well think of it as my way of introducing you to what fans will experience after witnessing machines being flung into insane drift/ slide angles, within the confines of a plaza.
The staggering will be the product of heads being snapped left to right, as eyes fail miserably at keeping pace with machines fishtailing like ravenous sharks in pursuit of a snack. And like Rastafarians after a herbal meditation, each fan’s relaxed face will be wearing the new designer line of smiling – Ear to Ear! Slippery Wen Wett – endorsed!
When you take the life changing decision to either build a race car or have one built for you, you need the management capability of the CEO of a successful multinational company! You may need a personal assistant, to keep you abreast of all the things you have to do, to keep the project on track – pun intended. And to think that I am not the one building the car! Now I understand what Raj means when he gives the impression that he is burdened up to his Adam’s apple, by work. Lol.
I did state that patience is required and I can testify here and now, that patience is indeed required. Victor has completed the roll cage journey. The roll cage is chilling in its new home but, remember the roof that was removed? My AE86 is now a limited edition. It is topless, awaiting the intervention of the ‘fiber glass man’.
Despite the hiccup, I am as calm as a summer sea, but I have taken the liberty of putting plans in place to build the high rpm, wine glass shattering, 100 women screaming motor, my machine will rely on, to deliver the new designer line of smiling – Ear to Ear!
Cecil Munroe Gleaner On-Line Writer