The best blogs/stories are often arrived at by chance. The material presents itself without a definite plan of action, like soldiers in a battlefield without a commander.
I knew that Chappy’s Nissan Silvia S13 was removed from front line duties so it could honor its appointment with the torch and paint technicians. What I did not know was the level attained by the transformation. I saw it for the first time on Saturday at their tuning facility (garage) on Maxfield Ave.
Despite being trapped by potentially superior weaponry, ( Nissan Skyline GTS-T), the ‘green-eyed bandit’ stood out like a rose among thorns! I had the option of relocating the machine from where it sat, to get better shots (photos), but I decided to maintain the integrity of what I saw, where I saw it.
Trapped in a Skyline web!
Lean green mean machine!
Basking in its own heat.
This is just an introduction to the machine. A more detailed report on this S13 with relevant photographs will be done. Keep the link!
Cecil Munroe Gleaner On-Line Writer