It’s everyone’s worse nightmare. You placed your card inside the ATM machine in order to withdraw some money from your account and the screen reads, ‘You have exceeded your limit of available funds’.
In total disbelief you stare at the words because you know that you have just deposited money and if you didn’t take it out then chances are you have been scammed!
The use of debit cards at ATM machines has increased significantly over the last few years. Traveling with large amounts of cash was replaced with the convenience of having ready cash with the added bonus of protection if lost or stolen. Times have changed however and criminals have found new ways of ‘cloning’ cards and withdrawing money from several accounts.
Unsuspecting consumers could be placing their money at risk when they use the ATM.
Here are some tips to help maintain your safety.
If all these precautions fail and you are the victim of card scamming inform your bank immediately so that they can launch an investigation. Keep safe!!
Tags: consumer, credit card, safety