We are now officially days away from the most prominent motorsports event, held annually at this time of the year – Rally Jamaica. The event has distanced itself from its early years, it leapt through puberty and now an adult, in 2011, it will celebrate 20 years of gravel-disturbing, water-splashing, tarmac shredding mayhem. We are all invited to the party!
Rally Jamaica will engage first gear on Friday, Dec. 2nd, with an opening ceremony on Knutsford Blvd. The machines will be on display at 5:30pm.
Scenes from Knutsford Blvd. 2010.
Subaru going once.
Subaru going twice.
Subaru – 3 times!
Gary ‘the Colonel’ Gregg’s machine
The machines will hit the gravel stages on Saturday and Sunday. Bogwalk, Bybook, New Works and Wakefield will be bludgeoned relentlessly, as the ravenous machines struggle to secure dominance and position.
Downtown Kingston will be asked to end the assault with the Festival of Speed. In 2010, the mercenaries, machines for hire, were invited and charged with dispersing rivers of adrenalin. They paid their debt with interest, delivered on their promise and stole a significant portion of the available thunder from the official competitors. Downtown Kingston was drowning in delight after the exhibition which was extensively led by the boys from Mandeville – Jeremy Groves and Alan Chen.
Jeremy handing down judgement.
Rally Jamaica promises to be what it has always been – 2 days of fun in the sun! Rally Jamaica -Dec 2-4!
Cecil Munroe Gleaner On-Line Writer